The Baltic Notebooks of Anthony Blunt
Darius Mikšys. Behind the white curtain (Venice, June 2011)
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It is just like life, but a little bit off-life. Turning the procedural into the playful, the effort into the exercise, Darius Mikšys asks of the given situation to, itself, start answering some questions for once. Questions like: What would the exhibition curated, indirectly, by the Lithuanian governmental policy on supporting the arts look like? Or: What format could such an exhibition take? Or: What happens when the set of criteria that generates an exhibition is not internal to its logic, but made arbitrary and deferred through time, politics, or bureaucracy? Or: Does every occurrence that happens in an open-format exhibition belong to it intrinsically, and if so, does an open-format exhibition naturally open outwards, swallowing within it everything that comprises and surrounds it? Or: How long until someone looks behind the curtain?