29 Apr 2010 at 18:00, CAC, Vilnius
Scott Lash: Capitalist Power and the Social Imaginary
Scott Lash is a professor of sociology and cultural studies at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His books include The End of Organized Capitalism (with John Urry, 1987), Max Weber, Rationality and Modernity (co-edited, 1987), Sociology of Postmodernism (1990), Modernity and Identity (co-edited, 1992), Economies of Signs and Space (with John Urry, 1994), Reflexive Modernization (with Beck and Giddens, 1994), Global Modernities (co-edited, 1995), Risk, Environment and Modernity (co-edited, 1995), Detraditionalization (co-edited, 1996), Time and Value (co-edited, 1998) and Another Modernity, A Different Rationality (1999). He has also been an editor of Theory, Culture and Society - the journal and the book series - since 1989. His books have been translated into ten languages.