24 Apr–27 June 2010, National Gallery of Art, Vilnius
Archives (Pohulianka). Photographs and prints: 1975–1983 by Algirdas Šeškus
The name of Algirdas Šeškus, an art photographer from Vilnius, is often mentioned by critics and historians of photography when marking a turning point in Lithuanian contemporary photography. His debut took place at the Young Photographers’ Exhibition in Vilnius organized by the Association of Photographic Art in 1980 and revealed a new phenomenon at odds with the Soviet culture.
The photographs by Šeškus reveal the (anti)aesthetics of (neo)avant-garde – their experimentalism and originality stretch the boundaries of the traditional Lithuanian photography.
The photographs in this exhibition were taken between 1975–1983 at Pohulianka (J. Basanavičius street), where the photographer lived and worked at that time.