The Baltic Notebooks of Anthony Blunt
Photographed by Koen Kleijn, 2010
Photographed by Koen Kleijn, 2010

"The students were assigned to compose and paint both an unobstructed view and a view through the glass of the CAC vitrine; that is, to explore how the glass changes our perception of the view. The content of the vitrine was not our main subject." Kristijonas Miliūnas, teacher at J. Vienožinskis Art School, Vilnius
The assignment coincided with an exhibition displayed in this vitrine, If you do know that here is one hand... (4 May - 1 June 2010), organised by the Contemporary Art Center in Vilnius.
Natalja Lebedeva, class 4A, 2010
Natalja Lebedeva, class 4A, 2010