Deadline 28 Feb 2011, Nida Art Colony, Lithuania
Nida Art Colony on the Baltic Sea Coast: Call for Residency Applications, Contributions and Proposals
Keywords: Fluxus sand, the Baltic Sea as a medium, labyrinths of forest paths, smoked fish, solitude, landscape meditation, mind massage, contemplating the ten-meter-high studio space, migrating from water to water, media lab, beaches and breeze, reinventing tradition, creative sunbathing.
Nida Art Colony, the new subdivision of Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania), is opening in March 2011. The principal objective of the Colony is to improve the quality of art education in Lithuania and create favourable conditions for creative contemporary art practices (artist-in-residency programme and art events). Simply put, Nida Art Colony is about international and local collaboration, as well as experiments in both art and art education.
Location: Nida Art Colony is situated on the Curonian Spit, which is a 98 km long peninsula separating the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. The Curonian Spit is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as one of the most beautiful and unique cultural landscapes of Europe.
Join the emerging community of artists in a spectacular and inspiring location!